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Resources and Toolkits
As part of our patient-focused mission, Alliance of Sleep Apnea Partners is committed to identifying, creating, and partnering with other groups to create resources that can educate and empower patients to self-advocate, facilitate conversations between patients and their healthcare providers, and contribute to patients' well-being. These resources are free for both patients and healthcare providers.
Women & Sleep Apnea Toolkit
Produced with the Society for Women's Health Research and MyApnea.org, this two-page toolkit helps women assess their risk factors and potential signs of sleep apnea. It also offers information to help healthcare providers identify female patients with undiagnosed sleep apnea, because their symptoms can differ from those in male patients.
Doctor Dialogue for Women
Do you think you are at risk for or have symptoms of sleep apnea? Use this handy guide to talk to your healthcare provider about sleep apnea and your concerns.
Patient Perspectives
If you have sleep apnea, you are not alone. Alliance of Sleep Apnea Partners collects first-hand stories from sleep apnea patients to raise awareness among healthcare providers and the general public about sleep apnea, its effects, and the patient experience—but also to provide support for others who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea.
This handout includes quotes from sleep apnea patients about what they have learned, what they feel they need from healthcare providers, and more, as well as information about Alliance of Sleep Apnea Partners. If you would like to share your patient story, please email us at Info@ApneaPartners.org. Please put "Patient Story" in your email subject line.